
¿Qué fué de Granada?
(So what happened to Granada?)
3 thoughts about green-washed urbanism

is composed by three collages and three texts:

1. Veralten des Wachstums
2. Funkelnagelneue “greenwashed” Landschaft für alle
3. Organisch ist metabolisch. Und Nachhaltigkeit ist kein Videospiel

1. Obsolescence of growing
2. Brand new green washed landscape for all
3. Organic is metabolic. And sustainability is not a videogame

this work is taking part in the exhibition “Greenwashing” (6.6.13 – 7.7.13), in Berlin, organised by Group Global 3000, Arts and other Sustainabilities (http://groupglobal3000.de/), with other six artist and curated by Tom Albrecht.
You can read the text in the website: Oficina de Latentes, in German (Latentamt) or English (Latent Office).

Qué fué de Granada 1Qué fué de Granada 2Qué fué de Granada 3

This work couldn’t have been posible without the help of: Sonja Linke (https://sonntagimpark.wordpress.com/),  Julia Kawa -thanks both for your german writing asistance- and Lucia Alonso -thanks you Lu, for your help in the collage development.
